Alberta Prayer


Alberta Prayer.png

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

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Revive Alberta

A province of opportunity that is built on ingenuity, entrepreneurship, hard work, and determination - a blessing to Canada and the World.

It is the responsibility of the church to intercede on behalf of the nations. We believe that when we humble ourselves, and prayerfully entrust the health, future and prosperity of our nations to the Lord, blessings will surely follow. As Christians, it’s up to us to pray for Alberta.

On February 21, 2020, we held our first annual day of prayer with churches from all over Alberta to pray for our province.

Our next prayer gathering is on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. We are calling out the Godly leaders whom God has set aside to lead us, our municipalities and our country into what He has designed for it to be. Start to prepare your hearts and ask God what He is revealing to you about this. Our prayer points are posted on the FAQ page and the Get Involved page, and you can download the promotion slide on our Media page.

Stay tuned for details on Alberta Prayer moving forward!