What is Fasting?

Fasting is the temporary denial of food for the sake of humbling oneself before the Lord, and focusing on our need for His provision and grace. Fasting is often used as an outward sign of repentance.

Does Fasting help?

Fasting has many Scriptural and historical examples of leading towards a season of blessing from the Lord. God delights over His bride and responds generously to her humble intentions.


Who is this for?

Alberta Prayer is for anyone in the church seeking God’s blessing for the province of Alberta. From Coutts to Fort Fitzgerald, we are calling on Christians from all over Alberta to join with us in lifting Alberta up.

How can I join?

Joining us is simple! On the day of, we ask that you flow 3 steps:
1 - PRAY for the province of Alberta (Click for download here and here)
2 - FAST for the duration of the day
3 - DONATE any groceries that you saved to a local food bank